
In addition to being a massage therapist, I am also a certified yoga teacher.

Yoga is another great way to be kind to your body and mind, and I offer yoga classes online!

If you’d like to join one of my online group classes live, sign up here (or send me an email through my contact page) and you’ll get the class link in the confirmation/reminder emails. The classes are done through Zoom, and you don’t ever have to turn on your camera (unless you want to!)

Classes are multi-level, and perfect for beginners, with plenty of instructions and modifications. Listen to your body, move, breathe, and progress at your own pace. You’ll stretch, strengthen, breathe, and relax, and often you’ll see one of my cats stroll through the session.

The class encourages listening to your body, honoring its needs, and getting curious! There is generally a centering/focusing meditation at the beginning of class, followed by movements for the whole body (especially the spine), and ending with a short guided relaxation. Classes tend to be about 60 minutes long.

Feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Classes are donation only—an optional payment link will be found in confirmation emails after signing up.

One of those cat cameos!